Municipal Services Staffing

The City of Turlock contracts with Turlock Scavenger for the collection and disposal of solid waste. Turlock Scavenger provides three roll out containers to each resident of Turlock. A charcoal grey 32 gallon container for garbage, a blue 68 gallon container for co-mingled recyclables, and a green 95 gallon container for organic waste. Multiple unit residences receive one green 95 gallon garden refuse container for the complex. These containers are picked up once per week on assigned routes. Citizens are encouraged to embrace the "recycling habit" and actively participate in helping the City to meet its waste diversion goals.
Regulatory Affairs
This division deals mainly with regulatory compliance issues mandated by local, state and federal agencies, including: the State Water Resources Control Board, the Regional Water Quality Control Board, the State Department of Drinking Water, the California Integrated Waste Management Board, the State Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery, United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), the State Department of Toxic Substances Control, California Department of Food and Agriculture, California OSHA, California Air Resources Control Board, and the San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District. Areas of responsibility include, but are not limited to employee health and safety, potable water supply, wastewater treatment and disposal, storm water requirements, solid waste and recycling, air quality, and toxic substances. Regulatory Affairs ensures that the various municipal services respond to function in compliance with the regulations.The division also spearheads various public outreach and education efforts to encourage responsible stewardship of environmental resources. Forecasting future utility infrastructure needs based upon data analysis and others tools available is also a responsibility of this division.
Other primary responsibilities include the provision of general administrative services for the Department, utility billing and payment services, and responding to public inquiries and complaints.
Water Quality Control
The Water Quality Control Division's primary responsibility is the treatment of both domestic and industrial wastewater for the City of Turlock, Community Service Districts of Keyes and Denair and some primary treated effluent from the City of Ceres. Other duties include laboratory analysis of potable and non-potable water and the Environmental Compliance (Industrial Pretreatment) program. All of these programs are either mandated by federal or state law or governed by those laws and regulations.- Wastewater Operations
- Laboratory Services
- Environmental Compliance
- Recycled Water Reuse
- Biosolids Management
Utility Maintenance Division
The Utility Maintenance Division's Mission is to provide a safe and effective Water, Wastewater and Storm Distribution system. In addition, we provide an operation and maintenance program that will keep these systems functioning at their top efficiency, maximize their useful life and minimize cost to our customers.State Certified Personnel are responsible for the day to day operation, maintenance and repair of the City's water, sewer and storm distribution. With a current staff of 19 full time employees and one part time employee, the division maintains more than 270 miles of water lines, over 240 miles of sewer lines and more than 70 miles of storm line. The division also operates and maintains 42 storm lift stations, 18 sewer lift stations and 24 active water wells.
The Utility Maintenance Division is comprised of several working groups. As the primary support source for the physical infrastructure of the City, Utility Maintenance handles the water, wastewater, fleet and electrical maintenance duties inherent in any City organization.