Breeder Certificate

Effective July 1, 2006, the City of Turlock has implemented a breeder certificate ordinance. Applications for a Breeder Certificate can be obtained at Turlock Animal Services, located at 801 S. Walnut Road. The Breeder Certificate is $100 annually.
Turlock Municipal Code Section 6-1-114 Breeder Certificate; exceptions, exemptions
- The term "Breeder Certificate" shall mean a written authorization issued annually by Animal Services and Control giving its lawful holder permission to breed one litter per year per designated animal.
- Any holder of a Breeder Certificate who advertises to the public the availability of any dog or cat for sale, adoption, or transfer, whether for compensation of otherwise, must prominently display the Breeder Certificate number in any such advertisement. Further, the Breeder Certificate holder must provide the Certificate number to any person who purchases, adopts or receives any animal from the Certificate holder and include the Certificate number on any receipt of sale or transfer document.
- No offspring may be sold, adopted, bartered, or otherwise transferred, whether for compensation or otherwise, until it has reached the age of at least seven (7) weeks and has received its first immunization against common diseases
The following animals are exempt from Breeder Certificate requirements:
- Dogs documented as having been appropriately trained and actively used by law enforcement and rescue activities;
- Dogs documented as guide, signal, or service dogs pursuant to California Penal Code Section 365.5 (d), (e) and (f) under successor sections;
- Dogs and cats under the care of governmental Animal Services agencies; animal rescue organizations which have demonstrated to Animal Services and Control staff that they have implemented an ongoing spay/neuter plan, as well as an adoption plan; or humane societies or societies for the prevention of cruelty to animals, if such societies are incorporated under the provisions of California Corporations Code Section 10400 and the Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation law in Part 2 of the California Corporations Code, beginning at Section 5110, and successor sections;
- Dogs documented as enrolled in a guide, signal or service dog breeding program administered by a person licensed under Chapter 9.5 (commencing with Section 7200) Division 3 of the California Business and Professions Code; and
- When a veterinarian has determined that spay/neuter is inappropriate for the animal’s age or health.
- When contacted by Animal Services and Control Officers, the owner of a pregnant or whelping dog or cat must either show proof of an impending spay/neuter appointment or agree to participate in a low-cost spay/neuter program, or purchase a Breeder Certificate.
- Breeder Certificates shall not be issued to any person who has been convicted of animal cruelty or neglect.
Turlock Municipal Code Section 6-1-601 Penalties and revocation: Breeder Certificate
- The minimum penalty for violating Section 6-1-114 of this Code shall be a fine of Five Hundred and no/100ths ($500.00) Dollars and shall not be waived upon the transfer or abandonment of the animal. Any cat or dog owner found to be in violation of breeder certification provisions may correct the violation by obtaining the necessary Breeder Certificate(s) no later than thirty (30) days from the date of notification. This penalty shall be imposed in addition to any other applicable civil or criminal penalties.
Any Breeder Certificate may be revoked if owner is in violation of:
- Any of the provisions of this Code relating to the keeping, care, or use of any animal;
- Any State health or safety law or regulation regarding animal care or control; or
- Any condition or requirement to pay any fee imposed under this Code.