Active Transportation Plan

The City of Turlock and the Stanislaus Council of Governments (StanCOG) recognize that bicycling and walking are important parts of daily transportation for residents, commuters, and visitors to the city. This Plan is for all residents who desire to improve their level of daily physical activity or broaden their transportation choices by bicycling or walking to school, work, and other local destinations.
At the most basic levels, Turlock possesses a number of great assets that make it an ideal community for walking and bicycling. The temperate climate and short rainy season make being outside pleasant for much of the year. Most destinations within Turlock are within reach by bicycle—the town is a rough square about 5 miles across. Its grid street system makes it easy to navigate, even for visitors, and provides many route choices.
Getting more residents in Turlock to walk and bike for their everyday travel can address several interrelated challenges including traffic congestion and safety, improve public health and air quality, create a sense of community, and support a vibrant local economy. By creating an Active Transportation Plan to support walking and biking, Turlock can address these challenges and improve the quality of life for residents and visitors alike.
Vol 1: Active Transportation Plan
Vol 2: Implementation Plan
Vol 3: Appendices
Vol 4: STRS Report
Vol 5: STRS Route Maps
Vol 6: Toolkit (High Res)
Vol 7: Pamphlet