Fingerprinting (Live Scan)

What is Live Scan?
A Live Scan is inkless electronic fingerprinting. The prints are digitized and transmitted directly to the Department of Justice (DOJ). The DOJ will check the fingerprints against known criminal history records. The DOJ will then send a response directly to the agency requesting the Live Scan, regardless of whether or not the applicant has a criminal history.Turlock Police Department offers Live Scan fingerprinting BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. Appointments are available Tuesdays between the hours of 10:00 am and 11:30 am.
Before an applicant can be fingerprinted, they must have the following:
- A REQUEST FOR LIVE SCAN SERVICE form provided by their employer or licensing agency
Example of LiveScan Request Form
- A valid State ID or Drivers License
Acceptable forms of identification
- Live Scan Release Waiver
The Turlock Police Department charges a rolling fee of $25 for the fingerprinting services provided by our Live Scan technicians. There may be additional fees (see below).Other Fees
Some employers choose to have the Department of Justice bill them at the end of the month. If an employer has chosen this method of payment there will be a Billing Number on your Live Scan form. If the Billing Number field has been completed by your employer you will only be charged the Turlock Police rolling fee of $25.If the Billing Number field is left blank,you will be charged fees indicated by the Live Scan machine in addition to the Turlock Police Department's $25 rolling fee. The fees are based on the type of service requested by your employer.