Abandoned Vehicles / Orange Tag

Vehicles that have been parked on a street for more than 72 hours, inoperable vehicles or hazardous vehicles may be considered abandoned. These will be tagged with an orange label. By law, there is a 10-day notification where the owner is sent a letter and given 10 days to move the vehicle. If you would like to report an abandoned vehicle, please contact the Traffic Safety Unit at (209) 664-7380.
Report an abandoned vehicle
Vehicle Releases for Stored or Towed or Abandoned
The Fee is $160.00.Monday-Friday: 9:00am - 5:00pm
We accept Cash/Visa/MasterCard
Saturday and Sunday: 10:00am - 12:00pm
On weekends, we accept cash only for the exact amount.
In order to release a vehicle:
- You must be the registered owner per DMV.
- Present a valid driver's license. If you do not have a valid driver's license, present picture identification and bring someone with you who has a valid driver's license.
- The vehicle must have current registration per DMV. If a smog permit is required, bring with you a DMV one day moving permit.
Post Storage Hearings for 30 Day Impounds
The registered owner may request a Post Storage Hearing to determine whether reasonable (legal) grounds for the storage of the vehicle you are seeking release of existed at the time the vehicle was stored. You must request the Post Storage Hearing within 10 days of the date the vehicle was stored. The Post Storage Hearing will be conducted telephonically within 48 business hours of your request for the hearing (22852 CVC)Examples of reasonable legal grounds for storage would be that the vehicle was being driven by a person who was unlicensed or the driver's license was suspended or revoked.
You may make your request for a Post Storage Hearing in person, writing, or by telephone. You are encouraged to make your request in writing. Post Storage Hearing Request forms are available in the lobby of the Police Department.